
You will find a selection of other interesting national and international associations in this section. Learn more about these organizations and their unique perspectives, resources and networking opportunities. We are pleased to briefly introduce the associations to you. Use the links below to learn more about these inspiring associations.

Associations of CFOs & finance professionals in Switzerland

CFO Forum Switzerland

The CFO Forum Switzerland addresses people who have a close connection to financial management. Specifically, these are active CFOs of large and medium-sized groups and companies, financial management specialists, former CFOs who are still closely associated with the profession, as well as professors and lecturers in the field of financial management at universities of applied sciences and universities.


Founded in 1942 as an industrial holding company, SwissHoldings is a cross-industry business association in the legal form of an association. It currently comprises 64 multinational companies in the industrial and service sectors (excluding the financial and insurance sectors) that are headquartered in Switzerland.

Swiss Investor Relations Association

The IR club Switzerland was founded in Zurich in 1992 under the name Swiss Investor Relations Association (SIRV) with the aim of acting as a voluntary interest group of listed companies to promote the interests of the investor relations profession. The members are made up of companies listed on the Swiss stock exchange, which means that the IR club Switzerland is open to all investor relations employees of these member companies. 

Switzerland Global Enterprise

Switzerland Global Enterprise is the official Swiss organization for export promotion and location promotion with offices in all parts of Switzerland and in 31 countries. Together with our partner network, we support Swiss SMEs in their international business.

Other associations

Association of Corporate Treasurers in Suisse Romande (ACTSR)

The ACTSR provides a platform for corporate treasurers or other individuals who, by virtue of their profession, are interested in cash and risk management techniques, corporate finance and other treasury-related topics and processes common to companies.

The Association of Corporate Treasurers (ACT)

The Association of Corporate Treasurers (ACT) is the only professional treasury organization with a Royal Charter. We set the global benchmark for treasury excellence and lead the profession through our internationally recognized qualifications, by setting standards and promoting continuing professional development.  

European Associations of Corporate Treasurers (EACT)

The European Association of Corporate Treasurers (EACT) represents the European economy through the association of 14,000 corporate treasury professionals working in 22 countries and for around 6,500 individual non-financial companies. Corporate treasurers are the financial experts of the real economy.

German Association of Treasurers (VDT)

Since its foundation in 1997, VDT e.V. has become the leading professional association for corporate treasurers in German-speaking countries and operates according to the mission statement "by treasurers for treasurers". VDT e.V. offers its members a platform for exchanging experiences, observes trends and developments, prepares relevant topics for knowledge exchange and disseminates them.