
Welcome to the publications section. In this section you will find a diverse selection of informative publications, divided into technical articles and studies. We invite you to click through the following publications to gain detailed insights into the treasury world.

Articles & Handbook

Gain valuable insights on the topic of treasury, and stay up to date. Here you will find a collection of articles and handbooks that provide in-depth insights, analysis and knowledge.

Benefits of adhering to the FX Global Code for the buy side

Compilation Corporate Treasury Management

Financial Management Handbook


Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of different studies. Acquire new specialist knowledge. Here we offer you the opportunity to benefit from current scientific work.

Digitalisierung des Corporate Treasury Managements (Digitalization of Corporate Treasury Management (complete study as PDF)dI

Rising interest rates weigh on Swiss companies

(IFZ Financing and Treasury Study 2023 as PDF)


Treasury - Newsroom 

Would you like to receive more information about (Corporate) Treasury?
In this section we offer you a curated selection of links to external websites with further information on the topic of treasury. Use the following links to deepen your understanding of treasury and discover new perspectives. Please note that we are not responsible for the content of these sites.

ALM - Treasury Risk

Bloomberg - Corporate Treasury Corporations

EuroFinance - news

HSLU - Hochschule Luzern Financial Management Blog 

KPMG - Corporate Treasury News

The Global Treasurer


Treasury today