Further education

As Albert Einstein once said: "In the passion of learning lies the source of growth and knowledge."

Professional development plays a crucial role in personal and professional development. With our regular events and our close partnerships with universities of applied sciences and financial experts in Switzerland and abroad, we at SwissACT want to offer support in deepening existing knowledge, acquiring new skills and expanding the network within the Treasury Association.

In the dynamic treasury environment, continuous learning is essential. Read more about training opportunities below or find information on upcoming events here .

Swiss Certified Treasurer

In cooperation with  SwissACT , the Institute of Financial Services Zug IFZ at the Lucerne School of Business offers a certificate course (CAS) leading to the Swiss Certified Treasurer (SCT)® qualification. an.

The course is primarily aimed at treasury specialists in medium-sized and large companies as well as

Finance specialists and CFOs of smaller companies who want to familiarize themselves with treasury and its tasks. It is also aimed at corporate customer advisors at banks, treasury consultants and auditors. The part-time specialist course offers a high degree of practical relevance.

Participants graduate with the "Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts Swiss Certified Treasurer (SCT)®". The certificate is officially recognized and co-signed by SwissACT.

Further information on the course can be found on the IFZ website.

Swiss Treasury Practice

The Swiss Treasury Practice course addresses current tax, legal and regulatory issues, as well as addressing areas of transfer pricing, cash pooling and accounting. Experienced lecturers explain relevant regulatory topics and analyze the relevant interfaces to the treasury department. Best practice reports from the field show concrete implementation options. The excursus will also cover digital Treasury

and the risks of digitalization in treasury will also be discussed.

The Swiss Treasury Practice course at the IFZ offers a practice-oriented examination of current problems in the treasury environment. You will receive a concentrated overview of current Swiss Treasury Practice issues. You will be able to apply the knowledge you acquire in your day-to-day work.

An advisory board of experienced treasury and business experts has defined the main topics. You will benefit from experienced speakers from consulting firms and treasury departments.  

Further information can be found on the course website.

IFZ Swiss Treasury Summit

The IFZ Swiss Treasury Summit is the annual meeting of treasurers in Switzerland. The event is dedicated to the current challenges of financial management.

The next event will take place on Wednesday, September 17, 2025. Further information can be found here.

"The practical input showed us what best practice is, even for companies of different sizes. That was very valuable for me."
Christoph Hochuli, Head of Finance,
Startup for process automation
"The class was great and I got to know a lot of interesting people. I really enjoyed the lessons, they were very practice-oriented."
Seda Miller, Manager Treasury Operations,
Swiss corporation